Student Members of the Senate

Student Members of the University Senate

The membership of the University Senate shall include nine undergraduate students and three graduate students. Representatives will be named at the start of the fall semester.

2023/2024 Student Members


Jazmin Ayala (Waterbury)
Zachary Boudah (Avery Point)
Jonathan Heiden
Benjamin Keilty
+Sidratul Muntaha (Hartford)
Kamara Nyahuma
Mohammed Ruwaid (Stamford)
+Peter Spinelli
Ali Vilano

9 undergraduate students will be appointed to the University Senate by the USG
2 of the undergraduate reps are elected to the Senate Executive Committee by the 9 Senate reps.


+Essam Boraey
Zach Ellish

Bryan Greene
1 Graduate Student Representative (currently vacant)

3 graduate students will be appointed to the University Senate by the GSS
2 of the GSS reps to the Senate will be elected to the Senate Executive Committee

+23/24 Senate Executive Committee Member