Senate Membership List

First Name Last Name Senate Class Senate Constituency School/College/Office Campus Senate Committee(s)
Jason Irizarry 2025 Deans Neag School of Education Storrs
^Philip Hritcko 2026 Deans School of Pharmacy Storrs
*John Elliott 2027 Deans School of Business Storrs
Oksan Bayulgen 2025 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs University Planning
Robert Bird 2025 Faculty At-Large School of Business Storrs Faculty Standards
*Lisa Park Boush 2025 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs University Budget (Co-Chair)
*Laura Burton 2025 Faculty At-Large Neag School of Education Storrs Nominating (Chair); Senate Executive Committee (Chair)
^John (Andy) Jolly-Ballantine 2025 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs
Jamie Kleinman 2025 Faculty At-Large CLAS Avery Point Scholastic Standards (Co-Chair)
*Diane Lillo-Martin 2025 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs JEDI
^Carolyn Lin 2025 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs
Jennifer Pascal 2025 Faculty At-Large College of Engineering Storrs Student Welfare
*Jennifer Dineen 2026 Faculty At-Large CLAS Hartford Senate Executive Committee; Multi-Campus Ad Hoc (Co-Chair)
Holly Fitch 2026 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs Scholastic Standards
*Elizabeth Jockusch 2026 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs Faculty Standards; Nominating
Betsy McCoach 2026 Faculty At-Large Neag School of Education Storrs Faculty Standards
Jeff McCutcheon 2026 Faculty At-Large College of Engineering Storrs University Budget
Gustavo Nanclares 2026 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs C&C (Chair)
Morty Ortega 2026 Faculty At-Large CAHNR Storrs UICC (Chair); Senate Executive Committee; Scholastic Standards
*Fiona Vernal 2026 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs Student Welfare
*Suzanne Wilson 2026 Faculty At-Large Neag School of Education Storrs C&C
John R. Cooley 2027 Faculty At-Large CLAS Hartford C&C
David Embrick 2027 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs Scholastic Standards
Kenneth Fuchs 2027 Faculty At-Large School of Fine Arts Storrs University Planning
Beth Ginsberg 2027 Faculty At-Large CLAS Stamford University Planning
Phoebe Godfrey 2027 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs C&C
Sarira Motaref 2027 Faculty At-Large College of Engineering Storrs C&C
Rachel O’Neill 2027 Faculty At-Large CLAS Storrs
*Del Siegle 2027 Faculty At-Large Neag School of Education Storrs Senate Executive Committee; University Planning
Rebecca Thomas 2027 Faculty At-Large Social Work Hartford
^Bede Agocha Fall 2024 CLAS CLAS Storrs Faculty Standards
Andrew Bush 2025 CLAS CLAS Storrs Student Welfare
Eleni Coundouriotis 2025 CLAS CLAS Storrs University Budget
Miranda L. Davis 2025 CLAS CLAS Storrs Enrollment
Sara Harkness 2025 CLAS CLAS Storrs
Mike Shor 2025 CLAS CLAS Storrs Student Welfare
Xiaojing Wang 2025 CLAS CLAS Storrs Enrollment
Tom Bontly 2026 CLAS CLAS Storrs Nominating
Joe Crivello 2026 CLAS CLAS Storrs Faculty Standards
Martha Cutter 2026 CLAS CLAS Storrs JEDI (Chair)
Anastasio Tzingounis 2026 CLAS CLAS Storrs Faculty Standards
Diego Valente 2026 CLAS CLAS Storrs
Yaowu Yuan 2026 CLAS CLAS Storrs JEDI
Christian Brueckner 2027 CLAS  CLAS Storrs University Planning
Sandy Grande 2027 CLAS CLAS Storrs University Budget; Senate Executive Committee
Alvaro Lozano Robledo 2027 CLAS CLAS Storrs C&C
*Michael Morrell 2027 CLAS CLAS Storrs University Budget (Co-Chair); Senate Executive Committee
*Eleanor Ouimet 2027 CLAS CLAS Storrs C&C
Jennifer Terni 2027 CLAS CLAS Storrs Scholastic Standards
*Cindy Zhang 2027 CLAS CLAS Storrs JEDI
*Kristen Govoni 2025 CAHNR CAHNR Storrs Scholastic Standards
*Mary Ann Amalaradjou 2026 CAHNR CAHNR Storrs JEDI
*Bonnie Burr 2026 CAHNR CAHNR Storrs University Planning (Co-Chair)
Tracy Rittenhouse 2027 CAHNR CAHNR Storrs Student Welfare
*Robert Day 2026 BUS School of Business Storrs Senate Executive Committee
Kelly Herd 2026 BUS School of Business Storrs
Timothy Folta 2027 BUS School of Business Storrs University Budget
Diandra Prescod 2025 NEAG Neag School of Education Storrs JEDI
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos 2026 NEAG Neag School of Education Storrs Scholastic Standards
Douglas Kaufman 2027 NEAG Neag School of Education Storrs Enrollment
Amvrossios Bagtzoglou 2025 ENGR College of Engineering Storrs University Planning (Co-Chair)
Kelly Burke 2025 ENGR College of Engineering Storrs Scholastic Standards
John Chandy 2026 ENGR College of Engineering Storrs C&C
Bryan Huey 2026 ENGR College of Engineering Storrs University Budget
Horea Ilies 2027 ENGR College of Engineering Storrs Faculty Standards
Mark Zurolo 2025 SFA School of Fine Arts Storrs
Alexis Boylan 2027 SFA School of Fine Arts Storrs Student Welfare
*Joseph MacDougald 2027 Law School of Law Hartford Senate Executive Committee
Kristin Bott 2027 Nursing School of Nursing Storrs C&C
^Stefanie Nigro 2025 Pharmacy School of Pharmacy Storrs
Nathanael Okpych 2027 Social Work School of Social Work Hartford Student Welfare
*Nathaniel Trumbull 2025 Avery Point CLAS Avery Point Multi-Campus Ad Hoc (Co-Chair); Enrollment
Scott Campbell 2026 Hartford CLAS Hartford Faculty Standards
Ingrid Semaan 2027 Stamford CLAS Stamford JEDI
Kimberly Cuevas 2027 Waterbury CLAS Waterbury Faculty Standards
*Angela Rola 2025 Professional At-Large Academic Affairs Storrs Nominating
*Michael White 2025 Professional At-Large Dining Services Storrs University Budget
Karen Bresciano 2027 Professional At-Large The Graduate School Storrs Scholastic Standards (Co-Chair); Senate Executive Committee
*Leo Lachut 2027 Professional At-Large ISS/1st Year Programs & Learning Communities Storrs Student Welfare (Co-Chair)
*Carl Rivers 2027 Professional At-Large Office of the Registrar Storrs Enrollment
Carrie Fernandes 2025 Enrollment Planning & Management Financial Aid Office Storrs University Budget
Larry Walsh Fall 2024 Enrollment Planning & Management Office of Admissions Storrs Scholastic Standards
*Kate Fuller 2025 University Libraries University Libraries Storrs Student Welfare
Micah Heumann 2025 Academic Development ISS/Academic Center for Entering Students Storrs JEDI
Sarah Scheidel 2025 Academic Development Enrichment Programs Storrs Student Welfare
Becky Bacher 2025 Schools/Colleges CLAS Academic Services Storrs JEDI
Tina McCarthy 2025 Student Affairs Student Health and Wellness Storrs Student Welfare (Co-Chair)
Maureen Armstrong 2025 Student Affairs Dean of Students Office Storrs Scholastic Standards; Senate Executive Committee
Dan Mercier 2025 Regional Avery Point Academic Affairs Avery Point C&C
Justin Rogowski 2026 Regional Hartford Law Library & Technology Hartford University Planning
Erica Granoff 2026 Regional Stamford Student Services Stamford Student Welfare
Jamie Caruso 2025 Regional Waterbury Academic Affairs Waterbry Enrollment (Chair)
Radenka Maric Ex-Officio President Storrs
Anne D’Alleva Ex-Officio Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs Storrs
Gladis Kersaint Ex-Officio Vice Provost Storrs Faculty Standards
Pamir Alpay Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs
Nathan Fuerst Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs Enrollment
Jeff Geoghegan Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs University Budget
Michael Kirk Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs
Michael Mundrane Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs
Jeffrey Hines Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs JEDI
Dan Weiner Ex-Officio Vice President Storrs University Planning
Lakeesha Brown Ex-officio Vice President Storrs
Amy Gorin Ex-Officio Vice Provost Storrs
Leslie Shor Ex-Officio Vice Provost Storrs
Daniel Schwartz Ex-Officio Vice Provost Storrs University Planning
Tadarrayl Starke Ex-Officio Vice Provost Storrs
Lorien Touponse 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Storrs Senate Executive Committee
Ahmad Al Zouabi 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Storrs
Tae’Niajha Pullen 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Storrs
Kyle Lowry 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Storrs
Sydney Whittaker 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Storrs
Zachary Boudah 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Avery Point
Bendy Al Zaatini 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Waterbury
Ann Ibrahim 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Hartford
Karima Hamada 2025 Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Stamford Senate Executive Committee
Bryan Greene 2025 Graduate Student Graduate Student Storrs Senate Executive Committee
Alaa Selim 2025 Graduate Student Graduate Student Storrs
Emma Siegfried 2025 Graduate Student Graduate Student Avery Point

* Wymanized at end of term
^Alternate appointed for a shortened term (i.e. covering for an elected senator’s sabbatical)

Senate Class: all faculty and staff Senate appointments end on June 30th of the year indicated by the Senate “Class” field. All student Senate appointments end upon completion of the Academic Year.