Course Action Request

CAR System CLOSED to New Forms

As a part of the transition to the use of CourseLeaf platform to support curricular approval processes starting in Fall 2025, the CAR system will be decommissioned on July 1, 2025.

In order to ensure that all pending proposals have been reviewed by their respective curricular committees prior to this transition, the deadline for submitting new proposals into the CAR system was February 1, 2025. CAR forms with “in progress” status will be allowed to move forward in the system until the end of the academic year.

We advise that anyone seeking to make copies of any information currently housed in the CAR system (such as specific course approval histories or syllabi) download this information prior to July 1, 2025 for your records.

For additional questions, concerns or information, we refer you to this transition FAQ.pdf and encourage you to see The Graduate School and Registrar’s Office website for further information.

Online Workflow System for Curriculum Proposals
This single form should be used by faculty and staff for proposals to add new courses to the curriculum, revise courses, or delete courses from the catalog. The form will be routed through all necessary approval stages.

Deadlines for Catalog Changes
Course Revisions: All course change requests must be approved in the CAR system by February 5th of each year in order for these changes to be included in the following catalog (for both fall and spring). For this reason, we recommend submitting a CAR form requesting a course revision no later than December 1st to reach this deadline.

New Courses: New courses will be posted in the catalog within 72 hours of final course approval and be open to students for registration. If a new course submission that has reached "END" stage in the CAR system has not appeared in the catalog within 72 hours, please contact

Additional information regarding catalog changes can be found here.

Contact your school/college representative for general questions about course proposal content:
Stephen Stifano for CLAS
Jenifer Nadeau for CAHNR
Daniel Burkey for School of Engineering - undergrad courses
Leslie Shor for School of Engineering - grad courses
Kathryn Wheeler for School of Pharmacy
Nora Madjar for School of Business
Daniela Weiser for School of Fine Arts
Jason Irizarry for Neag School of Education
Pam Cartledge for School of Nursing
Mary Bernstein for The Graduate School
Carlton Jones for School of Social Work

Pam Bedore for questions about General Education courses
Morty Ortega for questions about UNIV/INTD courses
Gustavo Nanclares for questions about Senate review of courses
Michelle Everard for questions about the online form and proposal tracking system

Note: this is NOT the form for students who are seeking to add or withdraw from a course.  Those forms are available at