University Senate Passes Series of Motions to Update SET

During its regular meeting on Monday, March 4th, 2024 the University Senate approved a series of three motions presented by the Senate Faculty Standards Committee:

  1. In official university documentation, remove the “SET+” terminology, which implicitly foregrounds and prioritizes the SET as a primary and definitive assessment of teaching effectiveness. “Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness” (ATE) is the desired general descriptive language to be used moving forward. (63 YAY, 0 NAY, 3 ABSTAIN)
  2. Redefine the SET acronym from “Student Evaluation of Teaching” to “Student Experience of Teaching,” which reflects the subjective nature of the instrument and acknowledges the potential inherent biases present therein. (66 YAY, 2 NAY, 1 ABSTAN)
  3. That the Senate endorse these recommendations and implementation strategies, as well as provide additional venues to their broad distribution, including appropriate websites and the Senate FSC/Provost Office PTR Information Sessions in the spring of each academic year. (62 YAY, 2 NAY, 4 ABSTAIN)

The full SET Taskforce recommendations referenced in these motions can be found in the Academic Affairs Governance Documents Library and the full language of the motion presented by the Faculty Standards Committee to the Senate can be found here.