Author: Everard, Michelle

Senate Approves a Motion for a Learning Accommodations Taskforce

During its regular meeting on Monday, February 5, 2024, the University Senate approved a resolution presented by the Senate Executive Committee to charge the Provost’s Office with convening a university-wide taskforce to address issues related to learning accommodations delivery from a faculty-facing perspective.

As described in the resolution, “The purpose of the Taskforce is to analyze CSD and faculty data with respect to the nature and frequency of accommodations, obtain input from faculty and students on challenges and effective strategies around accommodations, and evaluate faculty training and support in adopting Universal Design for Learning and inclusive teaching approaches that might reduce the need for accommodations.”

An update on the work of this taskforce should be shared with the University Senate Executive Committee by the end of the Spring 2024 semester, and the final report should be presented to the University Senate in the Fall of 2024, along with any other units relevant to the report.

The motion passed YES 62, NO 2, ABSTAIN 1. The full resolution is available here.

University Senate Bylaw Change: I.C.3.d Senate Committees

During its regular meeting on Monday, February 5, 2024, the University Senate approved a resolution to amend the University Senate Bylaws I.C.3.d Senate Committees to give the President of the Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford and Waterbury student governments the authority to nominate students to serve on University Senate Committees. More information and the approved resolution can be viewed here.

University Senate Spring 2023 Election Results

Senate Executive Committee Chair
Laura Burton, School of Education, July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Senate Executive Committee (3-year terms, July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026)
Bob Day, School of Business
Jennifer Dineen, CLAS, Public Policy, Hartford
Morty Ortega, CAHNR

Committee of Three
Casey Cobb, Neag School of Education (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026)

President’s Athletic Advisory Council
Laura Burton, Neag School of Education (September 1, 2023-August 31, 2025)

Senate Nominating Committee (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026)
Tom Bontly, CLAS, Philosophy
Elizabeth Jockusch, CLAS, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

University Senate
The following faculty and staff were elected to three-year terms on the Senate (7/1/2023 – 6/30/26).

CLAS – Faculty
Humanities and Centers & Institutes:
Tom Bontly
Martha Cutter
Eduardo Urios-Aparisi

Social Sciences:
Sandy Grande
Natalie Munro

Life and Physical Sciences:
Andrew Bush (two-year term)
Joe Crivello
Anastasio Tzingounis
Diego Valente
Xiaojing Wang (two-year term)
Yaowu Yuan

School of Business – Faculty
Kelly Herd

CAHNR – Faculty
Mary Ann Amalaradjou*
Bonnie Burr*

Juli Wade

School of Education – Faculty
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos

School of Engineering – Faculty
John Chandy*
Bryan Huey

Hartford Campus – Faculty
Scott Campbell

Hartford Campus – Professional Staff
Justin Rogowski

University Senate Fall 2022 Election Results

Fall 2022 Election Results
Faculty At-Large
Three-Year Terms, 7/1/2023-6/30/2023
Jennifer Dineen, CLAS
Holly Fitch, CLAS
Elizabeth Jockusch, CLAS
Betsy McCoach, Neag School of Education
Jeff McCutcheon, School of Engineering
Gustavo Nanclares, CLAS
Fiona Vernal, CLAS
Suzanne Wilson, School of Education

Professional Staff At-Large
Karen Bresciano, The Graduate School, 7/1/2023-6/30/2026

Faculty Review Board:
Kathy Segerson, CLAS, 3-year term through 6/30/2025
Steve Zinn, CAHNR, 3-year term through 6/30/2025
Holly Fitch, CLAS, 2-year term through 6/30/2024

University Senate Spring 2022 Election Results

Senate Executive Committee Chair
Del Siegle will serve a one-year term, 7/1/2022-6/30/2023

Senate Executive Committee
Serving three-year terms, 7/1/2022-6/30/2025
Maureen Armstrong, Dean of Students Office
Laura Burton, Neag School of Education
Jason Chang, CLAS, History
Kate Fuller, UConn Library

Serving a one-year term, 7/2/2022-6/30/2023
Margaret Rubega, CLAS, EEB

Committee of Three
Helena Silva, School of Engineering, 7/1/2022-6/30/2025

Senate Nominating Committee
Laura Burton, School of Education, 7/1/2022-6/30/2025
Angela Rola, Asian American Cultural Center, 7/1/2022-6/30/2025

President’s Athletic Advisory Committee
Laurie Devaney, CAHNR, 9/1/2022-8/30/2024