The role of University Senate Parliamentarian is open to interested parties to apply until March 6th, 2025. The full role description can be found here, and the expression of interest form is available here. For questions, please contact
University Senate
Resolution Passed: Recommendation to BoT to Honor Tuition Waiver
During its regular meeting on December 2, 2024, the University Senate passed a resolution presented by the Senate Executive Committee recommending that the UConn Board of Trustees honor the dependent tuition waiver of the daughter of late colleague and former University Senator, Susana Ulloa.
The full resolution can be viewed here.
University Senate Passed Motions: May 20, 2024 Special Meeting
During a Special Meeting of the University Senate on May 20, 2024, a resolution was passed, comprised of two motions, related to the recent student protests and encampment on the UConn Storrs campus, and the university’s response to these events.
Overview of Motions passed:
- To urge the President to send a letter to the Office of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Tolland: 1) stating that the arrests and the judicial processes to date have been punishment enough for the students’ alleged actions, 2) conveying concern that a lengthy judicial process would constitute undue punishment, and 3) therefore urges the State’s Attorney to drop all criminal charges against the students arrested at the encampment; and, to issue a public communication stating that she will refrain from pursuing any disciplinary actions or retaliatory measures against any student, staff, or faculty member solely for participating in the protests, or for supporting the students.
- To form an ad hoc committee that will investigate and report back to the University Senate by the third Senate meeting of the 2024-2025 academic year, on: (1) the terms and mechanisms by which the police were authorized to arrest students at the encampment, (2) the processes by which police are deployed into university spaces (including meetings of the University Senate) and at what cost; and, (3) a potential process for gaining greater transparency around the University’s and the UConn Foundation’s investments in the interest of faculty governance and feasibility of divestment.
The full resolution can be read in full here.
University Senate Passes Series of Motions to Update SET
During its regular meeting on Monday, March 4th, 2024 the University Senate approved a series of three motions presented by the Senate Faculty Standards Committee:
- In official university documentation, remove the “SET+” terminology, which implicitly foregrounds and prioritizes the SET as a primary and definitive assessment of teaching effectiveness. “Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness” (ATE) is the desired general descriptive language to be used moving forward. (63 YAY, 0 NAY, 3 ABSTAIN)
- Redefine the SET acronym from “Student Evaluation of Teaching” to “Student Experience of Teaching,” which reflects the subjective nature of the instrument and acknowledges the potential inherent biases present therein. (66 YAY, 2 NAY, 1 ABSTAN)
- That the Senate endorse these recommendations and implementation strategies, as well as provide additional venues to their broad distribution, including appropriate websites and the Senate FSC/Provost Office PTR Information Sessions in the spring of each academic year. (62 YAY, 2 NAY, 4 ABSTAIN)
The full SET Taskforce recommendations referenced in these motions can be found in the Academic Affairs Governance Documents Library and the full language of the motion presented by the Faculty Standards Committee to the Senate can be found here.
Senate Approves a Motion for a Learning Accommodations Taskforce
During its regular meeting on Monday, February 5, 2024, the University Senate approved a resolution presented by the Senate Executive Committee to charge the Provost’s Office with convening a university-wide taskforce to address issues related to learning accommodations delivery from a faculty-facing perspective.
As described in the resolution, “The purpose of the Taskforce is to analyze CSD and faculty data with respect to the nature and frequency of accommodations, obtain input from faculty and students on challenges and effective strategies around accommodations, and evaluate faculty training and support in adopting Universal Design for Learning and inclusive teaching approaches that might reduce the need for accommodations.”
An update on the work of this taskforce should be shared with the University Senate Executive Committee by the end of the Spring 2024 semester, and the final report should be presented to the University Senate in the Fall of 2024, along with any other units relevant to the report.
The motion passed YES 62, NO 2, ABSTAIN 1. The full resolution is available here.
Report on Potential SET Revisions
University Senate Fall Election Results
Faculty Review Board
Peter Gogarten and Mary Ellen Junda were elected to three year terms (terms ending 6/30/2019)
Professional at Large
Lauren DiGrazia was elected to a three year term on the University Senate (7/1/2017-6/30/2020)
Faculty at Large election results to be announced on 10/31/2016
Recent Senate By-Law Changes
The University Senate approved changes to the Senate By-Laws at the October 3, 2016 meeting. The changes relate to II.C.1.h, Requirement in Generals (Minors) and II.E, Scholastic Standing.
2016-2017 Senate Meeting Dates
The University Senate will meet on the following dates from 4:00-6:00pm in the Rome Ballroom, South Campus, Storrs Campus.
Senator who are unable to attend a meeting should contact Cheryl Galli.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Monday, February 6, 2017
Monday, March 6, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
Monday, May 1, 2017
Recent Changes to University Senate By-Laws!
Senate By Law Changes Approved at February 1, 2016
Adding or Dropping Courses